Vision to Goal Setting
What is our Vision for Learning?

Traditional Welcome
We would like to thank the Coast Salish people, specifically the Squamish Nation and Tsleil Waututh Nation, whose traditional territory the North Vancouver School District and Blueridge reside on. We value the opportunity to learn, live, and share educational experiences on this traditional territory.
Our Vision Statement
Our Guiding Beliefs
At Blueridge we believe in…
We believe that the personal and social development of each student can be fostered by a safe, respectful, inclusive environment. Every child is encouraged to engage in their learning and school community with accountability and a sense of empathy for others.
- Creating a safe and positive learning environment
- Teaching and practicing self-regulation
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Inclusion, valuing diversity
- Fostering a vibrant learning community
- Strong student, staff and parent connections for the success of all students

Blueridge Staff
The staff wear our Blueridge CARES t-shirts at assemblies and school spirit events.
School Goals 2022/2023
- Teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance.
- Foster a school culture that promotes mental health awareness and social emotional well-being
- Create a school climate that honours the First Peoples Principals of Learning.
Archives: Former Goals
The goals below continue to be a part of what we do.It is necessary to have goals evolve and change to meet the needs of the students.
Foster inclusivity and social emotional well-being within our school community. (Sept. 2020 – June 2022)
Increase school-wide reading engagement and excellence.(Jan. 2021- JUne 2022)
Planning & Implementation
What is our Action Plan?

The 2022 / 2023 School Planning team, in collaboration with staff, have altered the school goals to reflect the continuily changing world. The school will use the Vision Calendar to focus and bring together classroom learning. This years vision calendar will aim to highlight the diversity that exists in the Blueridge community and Canada.
This 2021 / 2022 school year we are implementing our School Planning Vision Calendar “Creating Belonging and Making Visible Connections to the Global Community.” Each month reflects on the First Peoples Principle’s of Learning and incorporates various significant global events and dates.We will be sharing the calendar with the students and parent community at the beginning of the school year.
Due to COVID and having to maintain separate learning cohorts during 2020/2021, we focussed on how to build community within this environment. Working with small groups from individual classes student shared what their class was doing each week on the morning announcements. This built community as students looked forward to hearing their peers share as well as having this opportunity themselves. Students also engaged in the process of recommending books to their peers which we also shared on the morning announcements.
Our focus for the 2019/2020 school year is to continue building on our S.E.L and to create common language and expectations to improve school wide literacy.
Beginning in the Fall of 2018 we collected data from students, staff and parents asking what makes Blueridge great. From this we explored our strengths and stretches as a community which lead to our Social Emotional Goal. Summer 2019 our School Planning Team attended the Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support training where we learned how to implement common language and expectations for our community. PBIS complements our Second Step program which we launched in the Fall of 2019
Vision Calendar Focus
Guiding Question: How do we teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance?
- Purpose:
Expose our students to the diverse, global community within Canada - Develop a cross-cultural understanding to create respect for differences
- Take into account visible and less visible differences among individuals and cultural groups
- Encourage understanding, acceptance, mutual respect and inclusion, in order to make our school community and society as a whole more equitable for all people
School Goals
1.Teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance.
2. Foster a school culture that promotes mental health awareness and social emotional well-being
3. Create a school culture that honours the First Peoples Principles of Learning.
Goal # 1: Teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance.
Learning Target 1:Develop a universal sense of belonging by celebrating individual differences and unique ways of being.
Learning Target 2: Promote open discussions, empathy, respect and accountability among staff, students and families within the community.
We do this by:
- Celebrating the cultures within our community and the global community
- Promoting leadership within our student community
- Making diversity visible through literacy resources
- Implementing our C.A.R.E.S. school code of conduct
Goal # 2: Foster a school culture that promotes mental health awareness and social emotional well-being.
Learning Target 1:Use common language and strategies to support self-regulation and develop mental and emotional well-being.
Learning Target 2: Teach healthy social, emotional and coping skills.
We do this by:
- SEL Programs such as Second Step and Open Parachute
- PBIS (Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support)
- Teaching that good health comprises physical, mental and emotional well-being
Goal # 3: Create a school culture that honours the First Peoples Principles of Learning.
Learning Target 1: Embed Indigenous ways of knowing within instruction and the school environment.
Learning Target 2 : Commit to teaching the full authentic indigenous history that honours truth and reconciliation.
We do this by:
- Celebrating and honouring the success of Indigenous communities
- Practicing regular land acknowledgements
Monitor Evaluate & Adapt
What are our Indicators of Progress?
At Blueridge, staff are continually learning and growing their skills in order to improve the overall educational opportunities for students. Learning together on Professional Development Days, Collaboration Days, and at Staff Meetings are an essential way for staff to monitor progress in relation to the school goals, make any adjustments that may be needed, and ensure that we are continuing to grow as a Vibrant Learning Community.

School Planning Team
Our school planning team is made up of teachers, education assistants and administrators. We meet regularly to plan for all staff learning opportunities and next steps. The team receives feedback from the whole staff to provide ongoing recommendations and support.
Student School Planning Team
A group of intermediate students have been engaging in discussions connecting to the school plan.They have focussed on:
- Where you see the school plan in action?
- What do you want to see?
- How do you think you can contribute?
Parents and School Planning
Parent feedback is requested through school communications. Parents are invited to participate in several district school planning events throughout the year as well as school based discussions.

Blueridge Code of Conduct
Our Blueridge Staff led by our School Planning Team, created the Code of Conduct based on the core components of PBIS. Our Code of Conduct highlights our priorities in regards to universally targeting Social Emotional Learning and Collaborative Problem Solving.
Indicators of Progress
- Office referrals – decrease 45%
- School Based Resource Team referrals
- Anecdotal evidence – dialogue
- Increase in student ability to identify needs/feelings
- Increase in student self-advocacy
- Increase in positive problem solving strategies
- Increase in the quantity of “caught ya’s”

Communicating Progress
How do we Communicate our Progress?
Collaboration and Communication
Staff at Blueridge have identified a major area of focus for our School Action Plan: At Staff meetings and collaboration times staff have been working on developing and implementing components of PBIS in collaboration with Second Step lessons. These skills are being taught throughout the school community and within our classrooms.
Social Emotional Learning is one of the 4 Pillars of Educational Practice (Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Social Emotional Learning) and at Blueridge we believe that the skills that students learn are the foundation for their academic success, their positive behaviour and their strong sense of belonging.
Please see the attached link to Second Step information videos that will help deepen parents understanding of the program and its intention for the students at Blueridge.
Student Feedback
Community Feedback
School Plan updates are shared at BPAC meetings. The school is always interested in feedback and would welcome hearing from you!
“We really love the caught-ya stickers. It is a great way to communicate what happens at school and what C.A.R.E.S. is all about!”
BPAC Meeting
School Planning Event
The WindyCove Family of Schools participated in a School. Planning Event on April 5, 2023. Community members were invited to join the school planning team to review our current goals and provide feedback on the following discussion questions.
- What do you see / hear in connection to our goals? What do you already know about our school plan?
- Where do you see gaps?
- How can we successfully capture the existing passion, innovation and investment that is already flourishing within our school community and move it forward, nurture and help it grow?
Latest Progress & Updates

Traditional Welcome
We would like to thank the Coast Salish people, specifically the Squamish Nation and Tsleil Waututh Nation, whose traditional territory the North Vancouver School District and Blueridge reside on. We value the opportunity to learn, live, and share educational experiences on this traditional territory.
Our Vision Statement
Our Guiding Beliefs
At Blueridge we believe in…
We believe that the personal and social development of each student can be fostered by a safe, respectful, inclusive environment. Every child is encouraged to engage in their learning and school community with accountability and a sense of empathy for others.
- Creating a safe and positive learning environment
- Teaching and practicing self-regulation
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Inclusion, valuing diversity
- Fostering a vibrant learning community
- Strong student, staff and parent connections for the success of all students

Blueridge Staff
The staff wear our Blueridge CARES t-shirts at assemblies and school spirit events.
School Goals 2022/2023
- Teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance.
- Foster a school culture that promotes mental health awareness and social emotional well-being
- Create a school climate that honours the First Peoples Principals of Learning.
Archives: Former Goals
The goals below continue to be a part of what we do.It is necessary to have goals evolve and change to meet the needs of the students.
Foster inclusivity and social emotional well-being within our school community. (Sept. 2020 – June 2022)
Increase school-wide reading engagement and excellence.(Jan. 2021- JUne 2022)

The 2022 / 2023 School Planning team, in collaboration with staff, have altered the school goals to reflect the continuily changing world. The school will use the Vision Calendar to focus and bring together classroom learning. This years vision calendar will aim to highlight the diversity that exists in the Blueridge community and Canada.
This 2021 / 2022 school year we are implementing our School Planning Vision Calendar “Creating Belonging and Making Visible Connections to the Global Community.” Each month reflects on the First Peoples Principle’s of Learning and incorporates various significant global events and dates.We will be sharing the calendar with the students and parent community at the beginning of the school year.
Due to COVID and having to maintain separate learning cohorts during 2020/2021, we focussed on how to build community within this environment. Working with small groups from individual classes student shared what their class was doing each week on the morning announcements. This built community as students looked forward to hearing their peers share as well as having this opportunity themselves. Students also engaged in the process of recommending books to their peers which we also shared on the morning announcements.
Our focus for the 2019/2020 school year is to continue building on our S.E.L and to create common language and expectations to improve school wide literacy.
Beginning in the Fall of 2018 we collected data from students, staff and parents asking what makes Blueridge great. From this we explored our strengths and stretches as a community which lead to our Social Emotional Goal. Summer 2019 our School Planning Team attended the Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support training where we learned how to implement common language and expectations for our community. PBIS complements our Second Step program which we launched in the Fall of 2019
Vision Calendar Focus
Guiding Question: How do we teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance?
- Purpose:
Expose our students to the diverse, global community within Canada - Develop a cross-cultural understanding to create respect for differences
- Take into account visible and less visible differences among individuals and cultural groups
- Encourage understanding, acceptance, mutual respect and inclusion, in order to make our school community and society as a whole more equitable for all people
School Goals
1.Teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance.
2. Foster a school culture that promotes mental health awareness and social emotional well-being
3. Create a school culture that honours the First Peoples Principles of Learning.
Goal # 1: Teach students about equity and diversity to encourage understanding and acceptance.
Learning Target 1:Develop a universal sense of belonging by celebrating individual differences and unique ways of being.
Learning Target 2: Promote open discussions, empathy, respect and accountability among staff, students and families within the community.
We do this by:
- Celebrating the cultures within our community and the global community
- Promoting leadership within our student community
- Making diversity visible through literacy resources
- Implementing our C.A.R.E.S. school code of conduct
Goal # 2: Foster a school culture that promotes mental health awareness and social emotional well-being.
Learning Target 1:Use common language and strategies to support self-regulation and develop mental and emotional well-being.
Learning Target 2: Teach healthy social, emotional and coping skills.
We do this by:
- SEL Programs such as Second Step and Open Parachute
- PBIS (Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support)
- Teaching that good health comprises physical, mental and emotional well-being
Goal # 3: Create a school culture that honours the First Peoples Principles of Learning.
Learning Target 1: Embed Indigenous ways of knowing within instruction and the school environment.
Learning Target 2 : Commit to teaching the full authentic indigenous history that honours truth and reconciliation.
We do this by:
- Celebrating and honouring the success of Indigenous communities
- Practicing regular land acknowledgements
At Blueridge, staff are continually learning and growing their skills in order to improve the overall educational opportunities for students. Learning together on Professional Development Days, Collaboration Days, and at Staff Meetings are an essential way for staff to monitor progress in relation to the school goals, make any adjustments that may be needed, and ensure that we are continuing to grow as a Vibrant Learning Community.

School Planning Team
Our school planning team is made up of teachers, education assistants and administrators. We meet regularly to plan for all staff learning opportunities and next steps. The team receives feedback from the whole staff to provide ongoing recommendations and support.
Student School Planning Team
A group of intermediate students have been engaging in discussions connecting to the school plan.They have focussed on:
- Where you see the school plan in action?
- What do you want to see?
- How do you think you can contribute?
Parents and School Planning
Parent feedback is requested through school communications. Parents are invited to participate in several district school planning events throughout the year as well as school based discussions.

Blueridge Code of Conduct
Our Blueridge Staff led by our School Planning Team, created the Code of Conduct based on the core components of PBIS. Our Code of Conduct highlights our priorities in regards to universally targeting Social Emotional Learning and Collaborative Problem Solving.
Indicators of Progress
- Office referrals – decrease 45%
- School Based Resource Team referrals
- Anecdotal evidence – dialogue
- Increase in student ability to identify needs/feelings
- Increase in student self-advocacy
- Increase in positive problem solving strategies
- Increase in the quantity of “caught ya’s”

Collaboration and Communication
Staff at Blueridge have identified a major area of focus for our School Action Plan: At Staff meetings and collaboration times staff have been working on developing and implementing components of PBIS in collaboration with Second Step lessons. These skills are being taught throughout the school community and within our classrooms.
Social Emotional Learning is one of the 4 Pillars of Educational Practice (Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Social Emotional Learning) and at Blueridge we believe that the skills that students learn are the foundation for their academic success, their positive behaviour and their strong sense of belonging.
Please see the attached link to Second Step information videos that will help deepen parents understanding of the program and its intention for the students at Blueridge.
Student Feedback
Community Feedback
School Plan updates are shared at BPAC meetings. The school is always interested in feedback and would welcome hearing from you!
“We really love the caught-ya stickers. It is a great way to communicate what happens at school and what C.A.R.E.S. is all about!”
BPAC Meeting
School Planning Event
The WindyCove Family of Schools participated in a School. Planning Event on April 5, 2023. Community members were invited to join the school planning team to review our current goals and provide feedback on the following discussion questions.
- What do you see / hear in connection to our goals? What do you already know about our school plan?
- Where do you see gaps?
- How can we successfully capture the existing passion, innovation and investment that is already flourishing within our school community and move it forward, nurture and help it grow?