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Capilano Elementary

Vision to Goal Setting

What is our Vision for Learning?


The Capilano School Community will work together to provide learning opportunities that will enable students to develop as creative and inquiring individuals who are inspired to be lifelong learners and globally responsible citizens.


We provide a supportive learning environment that values diversity, promotes success and personal growth, and inspires students to become global citizens who accept responsibility for their learning.


We will respect and value each other as professionals by being supportive, collaborative, and open to each other’s opinions and ideas.

We will demonstrate commitment to learning through continuous professional development.

We will provide a supportive and inclusive environment for all students.

At Capilano, we strive to deliver a modernized curriculum and assessment approach to education via the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). Our team of educators embody the IB Learner Profile attributes and seize opportunities for ongoing professional development to expand our pedagogical horizons. We are innovative, collaborative and collegial educators who model and appreciate a growth mindset. We endeavour to explore diverse cultures as part of our experience, including Indigenous world views and principles of learning.

We teach the children, not just the curriculum. By recognizing our students as unique learners with varying social-emotional needs, we are able to cater our instruction and school initiatives towards increasing student engagement and their sense of belonging.

We believe that all children have the right to participate, learn, and experience in the same classroom and school environment as their peers, regardless of the needs they may have. This year, our newly implemented Student Leadership Teams have been initiating a number of community activities that aim to develop a greater sense of belonging: assemblies and announcements; art and tutoring clubs; spirit and cultural events; library initiatives; and environmental stewardship.

Community is very important to us. We value opportunities for students, staff, parents, and other community members to be partners in educating and supporting our students. Student learning is enhanced by the various perspectives and expertise, and we value the knowledge and time they share.

Goal: Enhancing our Sense of Community through Compassionate Integrity – By supporting our community’s social and emotional well-being and our sense of belonging at Capilano, through mindfulness of:

  • Approaches to Teaching and Learning
  • Diversity of Students, Families, and Staff
  • Community Connections
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Planning & Implementation

What is our Action Plan?

Capilano Elementary's Strategic Action Plan 2022-2023/2023-2024:

  • Continue exploration and implementation of Enhanced PYP
    • IB Posters and IB Handbook for Families; Program of Inquiry posted online
    • Workshops on Action, Agency, Assessment, Inclusive Education, Universal Design for Learning, and Action during IB Collaboration Time/Meetings using a systematic approach
    • Continued collaboration and exploration of Harvard’s The Power of Making Thinking Visible
    • Continued exploration of integrating French with IB (Scope and Sequence; regular Staff Meetings; Pro-D) and of creating Action Walls
    • Continued leadership via the Ped Team
    • Continued exploration of integration of Universal Design for Learning into our Approaches to Teaching and Learning
    • Continued opportunities for collaborative teaching and learning with other IB Schools (i.e. Learning Rounds with Norgate)
    • Once per term IB PYP Elementary Schools in NVSD Collaboration
    • Grade Group Celebration of Learning (Student-Family-Teacher)
    • Outdoor Learning and Play-Based Learning
  • Continue to develop an understanding and implement strategies to support social-emotional learning and wellness in order to create an increased sense of belonging and inclusive culture through the exploration of compassionate integrity
    • Book Clubs: Onward by Elena Aguilar; Teaching to Diversity by Jennifer Katz; UDL Now! A Teacher’s Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning by Katie Novak
    • Implementation of Second Step school-wide
    • Monthly Code of Conduct Capilano R.O.C.K.S. Reflection (Home-School Collaboration)
    • Exploration of Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Continue to develop an understanding about Differentiation and Inclusion
    • Collaborative Inquiry Grant: LST and Teachers Collaborative Co-Teaching
    • Implementation of NVSD Early Literacy Assessment from Kindergarten to Grade 3
    • Exploration of Inclusive Education through the IBO Framework and resources by Shelley Moore and Jennifer Katz; Universal Design for Learning Pro-D
  • Continue to develop an understanding about Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation
    • Workshops on IB and Indigenous Worldviews, Ways of Knowing, and First Peoples Principles of Learning
  • Continue to strengthen community connections and a deeper understanding about our reciprocal relationships and sense of place
    • Dialogue on equity, cultural competence, environmental stewardship, and mother tongue
    • LIVE with Mrs. Farrell (Guest Visitors sharing about topics related to the School Plan through literacy)
    • School-wide multi-age group activities related to School Plan; Student of the Week; Community Lunch
    • Opportunities to connect with community (Welcome Back Picnic, PAC Mingle & Curriculum Night, Band, PAC Meetings, etc.)
    • All About Me / Staff of the Week sharing about staff (especially EA Staff)
    • Using expertise and connections in our community to increase knowledge and transition to taking action in relation to various topics of interest (i.e. Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Truth & Reconciliation, etc.)
    • Collaborative Inquiry Grants focused on collaborative learning (including SEL, Class Profiles), community-building, and leadership for staff
    • Continue conversations around Name of School and Logo with the NVSD Indigenous Education Team and Squamish Nation
    • Collaborative teaching and learning with Family of Schools (in connection to their School Plan Goal on translanguaging, Indigenous Education, and Inclusive Education)
    • Clubs & Afterschool Programs such as Gr7 Capilano Community Services Program; Connection to Carson Secondary for Athletics

Implementation of Action Plan 2021 - 2022:

    • Continue exploration and implementation of Enhanced PYP
    • Workshops on Agency, Approaches to Learning, Concepts, Assessment, and Action during IB Collaboration Time/Meetings using a systematic approach
    • Continued collaboration and exploration of Harvard’s The Power of Making Thinking Visible
    • Continued leadership via the Ped Team and IB Coordinator
      • Creation of IB Language Posters, exploration of ATL, creation of IB Exhibition handbook, creation of IB Handbook
    • Continued exploration of integration of Universal Design for Learning into our Approaches to Teaching and Learning
    • Some staff attended Coast Metro Assessment and Inclusion Series Professional Development
    • All staff participated in professional development focused on building SEL Class Profiles and Teaching to Diversity by Jennifer Katz
    • Staff attended Professional Development with IBO (Music & Inquiry, IB Continuum, Leadership)
    • Staff participated in the Physical Literacy Program
  • Continue to develop an understanding and implement strategies to support social-emotional learning and wellness in order to create an increased sense of belonging and inclusive culture through the exploration of compassionate integrity
    • Book Club: Onward by Elena Aguilar
    • Implementation of Second Step school-wide
    • Creation of systems, structures, and scope & sequence related to skill development and support
  • Continue to develop an understanding about Differentiation and Inclusion
    • Implementation of NVSD Early Literacy Assessment from Kindergarten to Grade 3
    • Staff attended Professional Development with IBO (Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education)
    • Staff participated in the Inclusive Education workshop with Shelley Moore
  • Continue to develop an understanding about Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation
    • Workshops on IB and Indigenous worldviews, ways of knowing, and First Peoples Principles of Learning
  • Continue to strengthen community connections and a deeper understanding about our reciprocal relationships and sense of place
    • Dialogue on cultural competence, environmental stewardship, and mother tongue (including Language Survey, updated Welcome posters, student leadership in the garden project)
    • Using expertise and connections in our community to increase knowledge and transition to taking action in relation to various topics of interest (i.e. Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Truth & Reconciliation, etc.)
    • Gratitude Challenge in Term 1; Kindness Celebration in Term 2; Theme Days led by Grade 2 in Term 3
    • School-wide Celebration of Diversity through Library and other Library Events (i.e. Poem in Your Pocket, etc.)
    • Mentorship of colleagues
    • Conversations started around Name of School and Logo with the NVSD Indigenous Education Team and Squamish Nation
    • Cheakamus Centre Visits at Capilano and at NVSD Outdoor School

Implementation of Action Plan 2019-2021

Goal 1: International Baccalaureate (IB) Pedagogical Collaboration and Leadership

To collaboratively work with the PED Team to complete the IB Evaluation and implement the Capilano IB Primary Years Program Action Plan (including exploration of the Enhanced PYP)

  • Continued gathering of evidence for Self-Study of Capilano’s IB Self-Study (2018-2019) and IB Evaluation (2020)
  • Collaborative review and submission of Self-Study in December 2019
  • Single subject teachers collaborating with grade level teams to support the development of Units of Inquiry
  • IB Evaluation was conducted virtually (Fall 2020)
  • Review IB Self-Study to prepare for the IB Evaluation (2020) *Moved from Spring 2020 to Fall 2020
  • Launch IB PYP Enhanced Program: Teams formed to explore and share about different aspects of the program
  • Single subject teachers collaborating with grade level teams to support the development of Units of Inquiry
  • IB Evaluation was received and reviewed with staff (2021)
  • Continue exploration of Enhanced PYP at a more in-depth level, in alignment with the feedback from the IB Evaluation, focused on Teaching to Diversity and reviewing our Assessment practices (2021)
  • Collaborative shift of teaching and learning to occur in a remote setting due to suspension of in-class learning because of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Collaborative creation of the Self-Assessment of the Core Competencies to focus on Approaches to Learning
  • Single subject teachers collaborating with grade level teams to support the development of Units of Inquiry
  • IB Action Plan was co-created in alignment with School Plan (2021)
  • Continued exploration of Enhanced PYP at in-depth level, including co-creation of updated Approaches to Learning with “I Can Statements” (2021)

Goal 2: Enhancing our Sense of Community

To support our community’s social and emotional well-being and our sense of belonging at Capilano, being mindful of:

  • Diversity of Students, Families, and Staff
  • Indigenous Education
  • Community Connections
  • Student Leadership Team and Student Clubs: Communications Team; Spirit Team; Art Club; Chess Club; Library Drop-In; Green Team; Zentangle Club
  • Developing a greater understanding of Indigenous worldviews and teachings through NVSD Indigenous Support Workers in all grades
    • Professional Development Day: district-wide presentation by Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair’s and school-wide workshop focused on Colonization Road
    • Carson Family of Schools Indigenous Book Club
  • LST Pilot: LST Team focused on collaborative planning and teaching with Grade Groups, including the development of Class Profiles and Student Profiles
  • Review of Employee Engagement Survey (EES) and co-create the Capilano EES Action Plan
  • Events:
    • Welcome Back School Assembly focusing on Code of Conduct through student created videos and introduction of Capilano staff
    • Term 1 Community Lunch in buddy classes focused on gratitude (Orange Shirt Day and Thanksgiving)
    • Remembrance Day assembly organized in collaboration with several classes and led by Student Leadership Team
    • Share celebrations together with whole school through End of Term Assembly (November 2019)
    • Student/Family/Teacher Conferences (November 2019) to share student success and develop learning goals and support plans
    • Events/Performance Groups focusing on/connecting to Social Emotional well-being and creating a sense of belonging: Terry Fox/Nancy Leith Run; Orange Shirt Day; Goh Ballet
  • Vibrant Parent Advisory Council supporting a positive school community: Parent Volunteers in Classrooms and Library; Parent Volunteers for Special Events
  • Use of front entry-way monitor for sharing community photos
  • Support for technology, visiting artists, active play and healthy living
  • Celebrating Canadian Leaders -Terry Fox, Nancy Leith, and Phyllis Webstad (Sept 2020)
  • Orange Shirt Day – Orange hands to represent taking action towards Truth & Reconciliation (Sept 2020)
  • Launch of trial of Second Step (Oct 2020)
  • Engaging members of the Student Leadership Team in conversations during the Dinner & Dialogues for the creation of North Vancouver School District’s Strategic Plan
  • Continuing development of a greater understanding of Indigenous world views and teachings through NVSD Indigenous Support Workers in all grades
    • Carson Family of Schools Indigenous Book Club – Circle in the Box Activity
    • Dallas Gus (Indigenous Support Worker) was requested by students to teach Indigenous games and the Coast Salish Anthem
  • Staff collaborating on SEL initiatives, include making connections to student self-regulation of their behaviour in the classroom, the playground and other school areas for all staff
  • Continue LST Pilot: LST Team focused on collaborative planning and teaching with Grade Groups, including the development of Class Profiles and Student Profiles
  • North Vancouver School District’s School Rounds Pilot with Capilano Elementary and Norgate Elementary
    • Staff collaboratively explored and discussed: Social-Emotional Learning Resources (Second Step), Indigenous Education, Differentiating for our Learners (including Literacy Assessment)
  • Community Connections:
    • Backpack Buddies (all school year)
    • Afterschool Grade 6/7 Program with Capilano Community Services Society (all school year)
    • Harvest House Project
  • Events:
    • SEL (Trauma Informed Practice & Anxiety) presentation by teaching staff to other staff (December 2019)
    • Student Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey: Staff review of survey and develop action items for students, staff, and families (December 2019 – January 2020)
    • Term 2 Community Lunch in buddy classes focused on kindness (related to Pink Shirt Day)
    • Capilano Elementary – Family Literacy Week (January 2020)
    • Share celebrations together with whole school through End of Term Assembly (March 2020)
    • Events/Performance Groups focusing on/connecting to Social Emotional well-being and creating a sense of belonging: Flying Bob and Capilano Primary Winter Concert
  • Parenting Series – Capilano teacher presenting to Capilano parents a workshop on SEL and Self-Regulation
  • Use of front entry-way monitor for sharing community photos
  • Support for technology, visiting artists, active play and healthy living
  • Pink Shirt Day (2021)
  • Saleema Noon Workshops for Students and Families (2021)
  • Grade 6 Outdoor School experience on Maple Tree Sap at Capilano (2021)
  • Professional Development focused on Teaching to Diversity led by Family of Schools Leader (2021)
  • A group of staff completed Harvard’s The Power of Making Thinking Visible Course as part of the Norgate-Capilano Learning Rounds (Network Inquiry Grant 2021)
  • Staff, Students, and Families collaborating to teach and learn remotely using various forms of technology
  • Student Self-Assessment on Approaches to Learning (Core Competencies)
  • Parenting Series shifted online as best as possible
  • Due to suspension of in-class learning related to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the following activities and events were cancelled or postponed:
    • Continuing development of a greater understanding of Indigenous world views and teachings through NVSD Indigenous Support Workers in all grades
      • Capilano having received the Indigenous Education Grant enabled the Capilano Indigenous Education Team to collaborate with the NVSD Indigenous Education Support Teacher to create the Indigenous Education Storytelling Unit. This unit was planned to occur in April 2020 as part of a school-wide project and would have also involved a school-wide assembly.
    • Term 3 Community Lunch focused on storytelling (Indigenous People’s Day)
    • Student-Led Conferences: Student Self-Reflections on learning goals from first term Student/Family/Teacher conferences
    • Student SEL Survey – Final survey to reflect upon the impact of actions implemented this school year
    • Community Connections:
      • Saleema Noon Organization – school-wide program for families and all grades (April 2020)
      • CFOS Social Media Presentation – social media presentation for families and grades 5-7 (April 2020)
      • Environmental Awareness – Oceans on Earth Day (April 2020)
    • Share celebrations together with whole school through End of Term Assembly (June 2020)
    • Use of front entry-way monitor for sharing community photos
  • LIVE with Ms. Farrell: Black Lives Matter, Nowruz, Asian Heritage Month, World Read Aloud Day (2021)
  • Weaving with Grade 6 and Grade 7 Classes (2021)
  • AFK Visit to Primary Classes (2021)
  • Grade 4 Outdoor School Experience at Capilano (2021)
  • National Indigenous Peoples’ Day (2021)
  • Student-led Tie Dye Tuesday on Tuesday, June 15th to celebrate Pride Month
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Monitor Evaluate & Adapt

What are our Indicators of Progress?

While our school plan is a “fluid document” that will change over the course of the year, we will endeavour to intentionally review our goals.

2022 – 2023 / 2023 – 2024

  • IB Evaluation and Action Plan
  • Surveys & Updates to Capilano’s IB Policies
  • Sharing of student learning through Newsletter, Website, Class Emails, MS Teams
  • Sharing of Collaborative Inquiry Grant Reflection & Professional Development
  • School Planning Meetings
Up until 2022
  • Reviewing evidence that demonstrates progress in relation to the IB Evaluation and Action Plan
  • Use of ManageBac system to develop, share and review Units of Inquiry between staff (enrolling and single subject teachers), student sharing of learning in the form of a digital IB Portfolio, Student/Family/Teacher conference forms, and Self-Assessment of the Approaches to Learning (Core Competencies)
  • Student, Parents, and Staff input/feedback about the 2018/2019 IB Self-Study & 2019/2020 IB Tentative Action Plan
  • Using the feedback received from the IB Evaluation a Capilano Action Plan was drafted through the integration of the IB Action Plan and vision for the school
  • Student, Family, and Staff input used to finalize plan in fall of 2021
  • School Plan Meetings and Conversations during Staff Meetings for 2021 – 2022 school year
  • Photographic evidence showing community building and sense of belonging amongst students, families, and staff
  • Action taken based on the School Plan – reviewed by the School Planning Committee (students, parents, and staff)
  • Results from the Student Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Surveys and Employee Engagement Survey Action Plan

School Planning Meetings

School planning meetings are opportunities for ongoing collaboration and communication between students, staff, and our parent community to continue to move forward with our strategic action plan.

  • Dinner Dialogue Meeting with Members of the School Planning Team – October 1, 2019
  • Dinner Dialogue Meeting with Members of the School Planning Team – January 15, 2019 *Cancelled due to weather
  • Virtual School Planning Team Meeting – May 22, 2020
  • During the 2020-2021 school year, the School Plan was discussed at staff meetings and with the members of the School Planning Committee. As well, students, families, and staff were a part of the IB Evaluation process. The resulting feedback and action plan items, in integration with the school vision, helped form the school goals in the Capilano Action Plan for the 2021-2022 school year and onwards.
  • Dinner Dialogue Meeting with Members of the School Planning Team – October 27, 2021 & April 20, 2022; October 26, 2022 & April 12, 2023
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Communicating Progress

How do we Communicate our Progress?

Over the course of the school year, our community will continue to work towards improving our school culture where all learners are celebrated, and everyone has the opportunity to learn, share and grow. We completed the 2019 IB PYP Self-Study and 2020 IB Evaluation; the feedback received has been used in integration with the school vision to form school goals in the Capilano Action Plan for the 2021-2022 school year and onwards. We will utilize tools to gain a better understanding of our community’s social and emotional well-being in our classrooms and on the playground.

Communication will include:

  • Sharing of the Capilano Action Plan with the learning community at Capilano Elementary
    • Please Note: We completed our 2019 IB PYP Self-Study and Action Plan; however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and suspension of in-class learning, review by the International Baccalaureate Organization evaluation team was postponed from the spring of 2020 to the fall of 2020. Using the information found from the IB Evaluation in the 2020-2021 school year, we then integrated the IB PYP Action Plan with the school vision to create a school plan known as the Capilano Action Plan (during the 2021-2022 school year). The Capilano Action Plan has been reviewed each school year as part of the school planning process.
  • Seeking student feedback about school community initiatives and sharing this feedback with our community to incorporate student voice
  • Adding updates to our School Plan regularly and during School Planning Meetings
  • Discussing at Meetings – School Plan and key data (e.g. IB PYP Standards and Practices, Employee Engagement Survey Action Plan, Student SEL Survey, and MDI Surveys) with our educational professionals
  • Sharing at PAC Meeting – Implementation, updates, and progress related to the School Plan with parents at monthly PAC meetings
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Latest Progress & Updates

The 2023-2024 school year has been a transition year for Capilano.  At our April FOS School Plan meeting, the team reviewed the existing goal and felt we had made good progress in relation to our approaches to teaching and learning objective.  The team also felt that while we had some things to celebrate for the objectives around being mindful of the diversity of students, families and staff, as well as our community connections, we also felt these were areas for further growth.

Common themes emerged during our reflections that will inform our goal-setting processes for next year.  We will be establishing new goals to work on and are looking at further building a community of caring that is respectful of and celebrates the diverse community of Capilano, by focusing on our sense of well-being and belonging.  This will include continuing to build and strengthen our cultural connections activities, building consistent and common language around Social Emotional Learning, anti-racist education, and further exploration of Universal Designs for Learning.