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Lynn Valley Elementary

Vision to Goal Setting

What is our Vision for Learning?

The Vision that underpins this school plan reflects the collaborative planning of Lynn Valley students, staff, and parents. It reflect our fundamental beliefs and hopes and serves as our commitment to each other as we strive to become our best selves. 
Our Vision
Lynn Valley Elementary is a safe and welcoming school that nurtures a sense of belonging for everyone.
We believe in fostering the skills necessary for children to become resilient, life long learners and contributing members of their community.

Our Process: Engagement and Learning

Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, the School Planning Council met regularly to discuss the current needs of our school community.Through meaningful discussion with internal and external stakeholders, a timeline and process for a new School Plan was determined. Our first step was to rewrite our vision statement to create our foundation to write our new goals. A survey was then created to examine our student and parent community sense of belonging to Lynn Valley. The data collected from this survey determined the focus for our first goal to Social Emotional Learning. Through Professional Staff Development alongside our school survey, the focus of our second goal will be numeracy. These new goals will be written and implemented at the beginning of the 2024-2025 School Year based on data collected from students, staff and community members during the 2023-2024 School Year. 

School Planning Team

Lynn Valley’s School Planning Team represents the voice of all of Lynn Valley’s educational stakeholders and makes recommendations to guide our actions. It is a voluntary team who also provides leadership in the school planning process. The team currently includes:

School Planning Team

Susan Teegen, Principal

Deanna Sherrill, Vice Principal

Kate Montgomerie, Teacher Librarian

Coleman Braid, Teacher

Colleen Murphy, Teacher


First Peoples Principles of Learning:

Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place).

Our Goals

Our school goals are updated or revised annually to reflect the timely needs of the school community. Our goals contain specific objectives, strategies and progress indicators that help to narrow our target and measure our growth. These goals are developed through consultation with community stakeholders and further developed by the School Planning Council, which is open for membership to all. During the 2023-2024 School Year, in consultation with staff, students and community members, the School Planning Council chose to discontinue our current school goals to allow for new goals to be written. New goals in the areas of Social Emotional Learning and Numeracy will be written and implemented at the beginning of the 2024-2025 School Year. 

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Planning & Implementation

What is our Action Plan?


To Be Determined in 2024-2025

To be determined in 2024-2025

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Monitor Evaluate & Adapt

What are our Indicators of Progress?

Continuous progress monitoring of alignment of goals to our School Plan involves regularly reviewing and updating the Plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective. This includes setting specific and measurable goals and consistently tracking progress towards these objectives. Regular meetings with stakeholders, such as teachers, students, and parents can provide valuable insights and foster a collaborative approach to goal alignment. Utilizing data to monitor key performance indicators will help identify trends and areas needing adjustment.

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Communicating Progress

How do we Communicate our Progress?

To communicate the progress of our School Planning goals, Lynn Valley will employ a multi-faceted approach. Regular updates will be provided through newsletters, the school's website, and Parent Advisory Council meetings to reach a broad audience.

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Latest Progress & Updates

The 2023-2024 School Planning Council finished off the year strong with solidifying our areas of focus for the 2024-2025 school year. With a strong staff planning team, and student planning team, goals will be written in September 2024 for implementation.