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Vibrant Learning Community Home

Upper Lynn Elementary

Vision to Goal Setting

What is our Vision for Learning?

The Upper Lynn School Community supports all students in realizing their full potential in an environment that promotes healthy, intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth.

At Upper Lynn we value:

  • Supportive and successful learning environments
  • Social and emotional learning
  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Open and honest communication

Our goal is:

  • To strengthen our community’s sense of belonging, self-awareness and self-management skills

We will work continue to together to help our students become responsible, global citizens and life-long learners. The whole school community will work together to provide all learners with the academic and social emotional learning needed to support their continued growth and development. As part of a broad social emotional learning focus, the Second Step program will be implemented school-wide beginning in October 2020.

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Planning & Implementation

What is our Action Plan?

As part of our planning process we brought together staff and parents (had hoped to include students at part of the discussion, but Covid-19 made that impractical) to discuss the following questions:

  • What is our school narrative?
  • How did we get here?
  • What educational and social experiences do we offer at our school?
  • What is working well in our school?
  • What are our unique Strengths?
  • What values do you bring into your classroom or school experiences?
  • If you affect one change in our school what would it be?
  • What kind of school do we hope to be?
  • How do we identify priorities moving forward?

Using the information gathered, we analyzed the results and developed new priorities.

Our goal is:

  • To strengthen our community’s sense of belonging, self-awareness and self-management skills


1)To increase student’s school success by promoting social-emotional competence and self-regulation.

2)To increase students understanding of themselves and others, celebrating how we are unique and also alike (New for 22/23)

3)To deepen our understanding of trauma-informed practice (New for 22/23)


  • Implement the Second Step Program K-7 to develop students’ self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social-awareness
  • Include families through regular communication to support a strong home-school partnership and shared understanding
  • Teach and model the Code of the Bear and school expectations
  • Bookclub for staff that examines Souers and Hall’s book – Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for creating a Trauma-sensitive Classroom
  • Review the Code of the BEAR
  • Use the Indigenous ways of knowing to enhance inclusion, acceptance and a better sense of belonging
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Monitor Evaluate & Adapt

What are our Indicators of Progress?

Our school plan is a living document and it will be monitored and evaluated on an on-going basis.

Indicators may include the following:

  • Qualitative data from staff, students and parents
  • Quantitative data regarding problem-solving from office referrals (behaviour slips, Student feedback)
  • Use Second Step Assessment Forms
  • Photographic evidence
  • Visual collection of understanding
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Communicating Progress

How do we Communicate our Progress?

How do we communicate our progress?

Goals, strategies and progress will be shared and communicated at regular intervals throughout the school year. These communications will include:

  • Creation of a Second Step staff team
  • Principal’s letters to parents regarding the area of focus of the Second Step Program
  • Regular communication from classroom teachers to families regarding Second Step implementation and student progress
  • Ongoing and relevant feedback to students from teachers
  • Standing item on staff meeting agenda where teachers can share their successes and strategies
  • Share successes of goal with parents at their PAC meetings, newsletters and the school website
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Latest Progress & Updates

2021 and 2022 School Plan Review

Our staff and community were excited about the prospect of resuming our actions of a Vibrant learning Community that is focused on improving overall educational opportunities for all members of our community. We all worked together in a cautious and careful way to slowly reopen our school and engage in the collective and innovative activities that reinvigorated our community and school culture.

As a school planning team we recommitted to our SEL goal and added a desire to better understand and use a trauma-sensitive lens in our approach to teaching and learning.

Evidence included:

  • focus and attention to Indigenous ways of learning – returning to Cheakamus Centre, land acknowledgment daily and at PAC meetings, weekly teaching with our Indigenous Support Worker, Sydney Doucet, to promote learning and growth, applying First Principles of Learning, Orange Shirt Day, National Indigenous Day and National Indigenous History Month.
  • a continued commitment to understand diversity through activities around SOGI; Black History Month; teaching Second Step Program; HIP HOP dance lessons; Buddy Bench; Pink Shirt Day; Black Shirt Day, Orange Shirt Day; Red Dress Day.
  • initial look at Trauma-informed practice at staff meetings
  • Resumption of Sports Programs and student-centered activities like DPA and Kilometer Club
  • PAC sponsored community building events like Carnival, Hot Lunch program
  • Restorative Justice Circles – sharing of learning
  • Physical Literacy program with District Staff support
  • Return of the Entrepreneur fair

Next steps

Examine student-centered data to drive objectives
Continue to teach the Second Step program school-wide
Continue to prioritize professional development around social-emotional learning and the First Peoples Principles of Learning & Trauma-sensitive practive
Continue to engage in professional development opportunities about prioritizing diversity and a sense of belonging in our teaching practices

2020 and 2021 School Plan Review

Staff Commitment to Learning

At Upper Lynn Elementary, our staff are continually learning and growing their skills in order to improve the overall educational opportunities for our students. Learning together on Professional Development Days and at Staff Meetings is a key way for staff to monitor our progress in relation to our school goal and develop professionally to better meet the changing needs of our students, and our community.

Goal or Areas of focus: Social Emotional Learning – To strengthen our community’s sense of belonging, self-awareness and self-management skills

Evidence or Learning Journey

  • As part of a broad social emotional learning focus, the Second Step program was implemented school-wide beginning in October 2020, including daily announcements, newsletter inserts and PAC discussions.
  • Watched and discussed the movie “Resilience” (ACES – Adverse Childhood Experiences – Toxic Stress). Promoting safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments. October 2020.
  • Survey sent to staff regarding our experience and progress with the Second Step program.
  • Met and reviewed (survey) on the implementation of Second Step at the half-way point. February
  • Pink Shirt Day – Rainbow hearts to show friendship, inclusion, and love. February.
  • Lynn Valley Strong – Class discussions around the Lynn Valley Incident (trauma informed teaching and counselling were implemented – the larger community came together and held virtual evenings led by trauma informed presenters – parent were able to ask questions about how to lead their children through trauma) – March
  • Residential School/Every Child Matters. Discussions led by our Indigenous Support Worker and classroom teachers to help children understand and cope with the news of the discovery of the mass graves of Indigenous children. We want to continue to develop our understanding and Indigenous world view. May/June.
  • Black History Month. Teachers and parents engaged in activities and discussion around acknowledging Black History. Also, there were presentations and discussions around racism and diversity.
  • Speaker Series (schoolwide) featuring online speakers Parker Johnson (Table talk) and Charles Lartey (Hope U). Topics covered were anti-racism/diversity/a way forward designed for each grade level and sponsored by our PAC. February (Black History Month), March, April, June.
  • Inclusion through Indigenous Games Grant. Teachers applied for the Indigenous Grant and then researched and compiled a rich treasure of Indigenous games which was supported by and taught by members of out Indigenous team including Dallas Gus and Sydney Doucet. This was used and celebrated on our many cohort fun days in June. Thanks to Ieke Giese and Kristine Chambers! October through June.

2020/21 School Year Reflection:

There is no question that any events outside of the school in the past year to 18 months has asked a lot of our community. Our community both inside and outside of the school came together in unprecedented ways. Our focus on Social Emotional learning has helped staff, parents and all of our students to cope, respond and even thrive in the face of the challenges and unexpected events at the local provincial, national, and global level. We feel strongly that we must continue to focus on building the skills, attitudes and resiliency that our students need to be successful in a world that is full of unexpected challenges and uncertainties.

What is next for Upper Lynn in 2021 and 2022

We will continue to use the following components of the CASEL Framework as supported by the Second Step School Wide Program.

Deepening staff understanding of Trauma Informed Practice in order to enhance our SEL work

In consultation with the School Planning Committee we may consider revising/reviewing or adding to our current school goals to better fit the needs of our Upper Lynn school Community. Some possible goals to be added may be Math, or build in a stronger understanding of Indigenous ways of learning/worldview