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Westview Elementary

Vision to Goal Setting

What is our Vision for Learning?

Vision to Goal Setting

Visioning involves a school-based engagement process that highlights the strengths in our school community while identifying areas for future focus and development. Westview staff, students, and parents have continued to reflect on what matters to our school community. A focus on developing a sense of belonging, building community, and identifying programs and initiatives to enhance the learning environment had been a priority for the 2022-2023 school year and will continue to be for the 2023-2024 school year.

Goal #1

To promote a sense of belonging and engagement through continued honouring of community diversity.


To develop a kind and safe environment where students, staff and parents are supported as they work towards a common purpose.


  • engaging staff, students, and parents in defining “Sense of Belonging”
  • celebration assemblies
  • multi-age grouping activities, Together Time
  • PAC events ( BBQ socials, movie nights, multicultural night)
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Second Step Program

Goal #2
To deepen our understanding of Indigenous culture and ways of knowing and integrate into all areas of curriculum


To promote Indigenous student leadership.

To establish an Indigenous Working Group to collaborate and develop capacity.

To make use of newly acquired resources and maintain momentum in an authentic way.


  • Indigenous Student Leadership (land acknowledgement, Coast Salish Anthem, Salmon celebration)
  • embedding oral story telling
  • Indigenous drumming incorporated in music program
  • Exploration through the visual arts
  • Understand local Indigenous history and place to continue building community
  • weekly cultural lessons

Goal #3
To enhance and develop students’ writing skills.


  • utilize Adrienne Gear’s book “Powerful Writing Structures”
  • classroom based focus on writing strategies
  • 4 collaboration sessions for the coming year will focus on writing
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Planning & Implementation

What is our Action Plan?

Implementation Cycle for 2023-2024 School Year

September/ October: Communication of School Plan with Staff at Staff Meetings and Parents at PAC Meetings

November/ December: Continued implementation of strategies
School Planning Network (FOS)

January: Student Focus Group Discussion and Feedback

February/ March/ April: Continued implementation of strategies
School Planning Network (FOS)

May/June: Review and Reflection

Members Responsible for Westview School Plan

School Plan Working Group: Westview Elementary’s working group consists of Administrators, Teachers, CUPE staff, and PAC representatives.

Staff: All Westview staff members have a role and responsibility for the creation, implementation, and review of the school plan. The plan is a standing item on each monthly staff meeting.

Parents: The school plan is communicated to all parents in a variety of ways. Parents have the opportunity to discuss the school plan at the monthly PAC meetings. On occasions, the PAC Executive Committee is called upon to provide feedback and guidance to the school in relationship to the plan.

Students: A student focus group of student representatives will brought together for a guided discussion regarding their thoughts, opinions, and suggestions related to the school plan.

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Monitor Evaluate & Adapt

What are our Indicators of Progress?

  • local Elders and Knowledge Keepers sharing
  • community participation in School Planning and District Strategic Planning
  • surveys
  • student focus group feedback
  • attendance at school events
  • community feedback
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Communicating Progress

How do we Communicate our Progress?

Westview Elementary’s school plan is an ongoing, evolving process that relies on reciprocal relationship between staff, students, parents and the community.

How do we communicate our progress:

PAC meetings
weekly communication parents/guardians “Westview Community Memo”
staff meetings
social media
community feedback
school assemblies

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Latest Progress & Updates

Westview School Plan 2022-2023

Progress Update: July 2023

During our 2022-2023 school year, our Westview School Community has reflected with pride at the work we have done towards our School Goals:

1. To promote a sense of belonging and engagement through honouring of community diversity.

2. To deepen our understanding of Indigenous culture and ways of knowing and integrate into all areas of curriculum.

3. To enhance and develop students’ writing skills.

Westview staff and parents met in the fall of 2022 to start the process of reflecting on the school plan. As a community, we identified and defined “Sense of Belonging” with a word art.

During the 2021-2022 school year, North Vancouver School District released its new 10 year strategic plan. This document has been a guide for inspired practices within Westview School. Here are few highlights from our 2022-2023 school year:

Student-Centred Education

Provide students a greater voice regarding their education

Engage students in goal setting and a reflective practice of review and revise goals.

Innovative Instruction

Focus on modeling innovative/ creative thinking and promote it in the classroom

School wide focus on the core competencies

Regular engagement at staff meetings, team meetings, and collaboration time with curriculum and instruction

Welcoming and Inclusive Culture

Welcoming students and parents to school in a positive/ inviting manner

Finding opportunities to recognize and celebrate the holidays of our diverse community

Westview enjoyed many Spirit Days

Fun Day was a special time of connection in our School Community

Mental Health and Well-Being

Westview students took part in the Social-Emotional Wellness program, Second Step

The return of Volleyball Ball, Basketball, and Track and Field was a wellness highlight for many students

Truth, Healing and Reconciliation

Westview continues to have active Indigenous student leadership with many ongoing projects

Westview students sang the Salmon Song accompanied by drumming to welcome the arrival of salmon eggs to our school

Environmental Stewardship

Connecting with the green space surrounding Westview, using our natural environment as a place for learning

Maintain the school garden

Westview Elementary continues to be a vibrant place of growth and learning. We look forward to expanding the sense of belonging, encouraging engagement, and meeting the diverse needs of our students. Our community continues to deepen our understanding of Indigenous culture as together we strive toward reconciliation.

Highlights of 2022-2023

School Planning Team

PAC Multicultural Night

Nowruz Table: Haft-Sin

School Garden

Student Leaders leading Coast Salish Anthem at FOS Session

Student Leaders Making Announcements

Walk for Wenjack

Orange Shirt Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Student Leaders Making Bannock

Salmon Celebration