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Vibrant Learning Community Home

Communicating Process

School Planning

  1. Overview
  2. 1. Vision to Goal Setting
  3. 2. Planning and Implementation
  4. 3. Monitor, Evaluate and Adapt
  5. 4. Communicating Process: Current Page


The school planning process is intended to support an ongoing dialogue within the community of learners to promote understanding, respect, and shared values. Communicating a school’s vision, values, accomplishments, and future directions enable dialogue. Ultimately, schooling is a foundation to democracy and prepares students to be engaged citizens. An important feature within a community​ of learners is continual communication about what we value most.

Guiding Questions:

  • What are the most effective ways for school, home and community to share information?
  • What is our story/narrative?
  • How do we demonstrate mindfulness of others through our statements and actions, modeling our values of trust, respect, collaboration, and responsibility?
  • How do we encourage and nurture ongoing dialogue within our school and FOS to support all learners, including staff?


Key Concepts


Activity Resources


Facilitation Strategies

Professional Reading